

General Introduction

CHN Energy strongly implements the innovation-driven strategy and gives innovation foremost place in its strategic direction. By continuously improving its scientific innovation system and pushing forward the breakthroughs into key areas, CHN Energy gains novel momentum and advantages in the upcoming competition. At present, CHN Energy directly runs 4 R&D institutes, named Guodian Institute of Science and Technology, National Institute of Clean-and-low Carbon Energy, Guodian Institute of New Energy Technology and National Institute of Energy Technology and Economics respectively. Besides, there are 9 institutes run by CHN Energy’s branches or subsidiaries, with 1883 researchers. In total, CHN Energy owns 12 national-level research platforms, 5 academician workstations and 13 postdoctoral workstations and has cultivated 1 academician independently. With 7 academicians working as CHN Energy’s chief scientists, 3 cooperative innovation centers were founded based on the academicians and their teams, namely the Cooperative Innovation Center of Clean-and-efficient Usage of Coal and Climate Change, the Cooperative Innovation Center of New Energy and Environment Protection and the Cooperative Innovation Center of Intelligent Power Generation.

镇巴县| 榆中县| 滦南县| 襄城县| 彭州市| 长乐市| 望江县| 贵德县| 贡觉县| 浮梁县| 华宁县| 墨脱县| 佛坪县| 九江市| 洛浦县| 弥渡县| 屯昌县| 南阳市| 海淀区| 昂仁县| 亚东县| 阳高县| 曲靖市| 柘荣县| 新乐市| 凯里市| 江山市| 西城区| 集贤县| 宁化县| 纳雍县| 祁连县| 常山县| 兴国县| 健康| 民权县| 贡山| 高淳县| 中山市| 巴林右旗| 美姑县|