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Intelligent Power Plants

source: author: publishedtime: 2022-04-21

China Energy continues advancing green, low-carbon development and promoting the development of clean coal-fired power generation and the large-scale development of its new energy business. It strives to spearhead the country’s efforts to “peak carbon emissions by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2060.”

GD Power Development Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of China Energy, established China’s first “5G+” intelligent coal-fired power plant. Its independently developed 28nm IoT intelligent chip marked a new breakthrough of intelligent edge computing in the coal-fired power generation industry.

Guodian Technology & Environment Group Corporation Limited, also a subsidiary of China Energy, developed the world-leading intelligent monitoring system (MS) for coal-fired power plants. Shenhua Guohua (Beijing) Gas-fired Power Co., Ltd. under China Energy took the lead to build the intelligent eco-friendly gas-fired power plant featuring the greatest intelligence level, the most efficient human resources staffing, and nearly zero emissions, which achieves one-key start/stop, unmanned monitoring, 3D display, smart patrolling, and other key functions. China Energy is also committed to advancing construction of pilot intelligent wind power projects. For instance, its subsidiary Longyuan Power built China’s first wind power operator “big data” platform on the basis of digital technologies, intelligent wind farms, and regional centralized monitoring systems. In addition, China Energy works to enhance the intelligent capacity of its hydropower plants and has established an intelligent control platform serving the Dahu River cascade hydropower stations.

CHN ENERGY Investment Group Co.,LTD

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