
China Energy Launches Tree-planting Campaign

Communication Company Author: Time: 2021-03-12 Font:LM

March 12, 2021 marked the 43rd National Tree-Planting Day of China. That day, China Energy called on all its subsidiaries and 340,000 employees to participate in the tree-planting campaign, in an effort to build a beautiful China, safeguard ecological resources, and break new ground for green transformation and high-quality development.

In recent years, China Energy has constantly increased investments in environmental protection, and planted more than 10,000 hectares of forests, of which nearly 1,700 hectares were planted in 2020. This year, all of its subsidiaries are taking an active part in the national afforestation campaign as well as China Energy’s ecological forest project, aiming to achieve an annual increase of forest area by more than 1,333 hectares and make new achievements in promoting afforestation and carbon sink forests , as the company works hard to increase carbon sequestration in the ecosystem and contribute green energy to implementing the Beautiful China initiative.

As a Chinese saying goes, spring is the golden time of a year. Thus, spring is the best season to plant trees. In 2020, China Energy launched an online tree-planting activity, and its employees donated a total of 3.18 million yuan to plant nearly 200,000 trees, which was proven successful. This year, while keeping epidemic prevention and control measures in place, its employees are encouraged to continue dedicating themselves to various afforestation activities through donations and volunteer services, so as to create a social atmosphere advocating afforestation and green development.

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