
“Electrolysis Hydrogen Production Stack Technology using High-Pressure and Proton Exchange Membrane to Inject Hydrogen Directly” Launched

Recently, the launch meeting and implementation plan demonstration meeting of the National Key Research and Development Program “Electrolysis Hydrogen Production Stack Technology using High-Pressure and Proton Exchange Membrane to Inject Hydrogen Directly” led by NICE under China Energy, was held in Beijing.

The “Electrolysis Hydrogen Production Stack Technology using High-Pressure and Proton Exchange Membrane to Inject Hydrogen Directly” is a key special youth scientist project, which is a part of the 14th Five-Year Plan’s National Key Research and Development Program. After demonstration, the implementation plan successfully passed the expert review.

This project aims to meet the application demand of integrated hydrogen production and hydrogenation in hydrogen refueling stations. It conducts key technical research on high-pressure proton exchange membrane electrolysis stacks that can directly inject hydrogen into onboard hydrogen storage devices. The goal is to overcome the technical challenges of 35 megapascals water electrolysis hydrogen production and hydrogenation integrated machine, and 20 megapascals electrochemical hydrogen compressor, thereby filling the domestic technological gap.

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