
Ningxia Coal’s Coal Mine Intelligent Integrated Control Platform and Application Get Promoted

Ningxia Coal’s Coal Mine Intelligent Integrated Control Platform and Application Get Promoted

Recently, a typical case of enhancing the intrinsic safety level through the fusion development of digital mines in 2023 was released, with a total of 20 cases selected nationwide. Among them, the 'Coal Mine Intelligent Integrated Control Platform and Applications' of the Ningxia Coal Industry Hongliu Mine, a subsidiary of China Energy, is included.

The Coal Mine Intelligent Integrated Control Platform is based on the key technology research and engineering demonstration project of the China Energy, '5G + Industrial Internet' Unmanned Mine - Key Technology Research and Engineering Demonstration Project for Intelligent Well Mining in Hongliu Mine. It is jointly developed and constructed by Chongqing Research Institute of China Coal Technology & Engineering Group Corporation and the National Energy Group's Ningxia Coal Industry Hongliu Mine. The platform has created an internationally leading coal mine integrated intelligent control platform based on the industrial internet architecture. The platform has achieved a 13% increase in alarm accuracy, a 28% improvement in event handling efficiency, a 30% improvement in equipment operation and maintenance efficiency, and an 11% reduction in energy consumption for large equipment. This initiative has pioneered a new approach to digitized control of coal mine safety production.

The platform is based on the unified data standards of China Energy and industrial internet architecture. It is deployed using a 'cloud-edge collaboration' mode, covering integrated comprehensive control in the areas of coal mine safety, production, scheduling, and operations. It includes functions such as data collection and analysis, centralized safety monitoring, centralized production control, and comprehensive disaster prevention and control.

With the development and deployment of the intelligent integrated control platform, Hongliu Mine has achieved comprehensive control of the entire mine for the first time. The platform integrates over 30 subsystems, including safety monitoring, personnel positioning, dispatch communication, equipment monitoring, and hazard risk management. It has constructed over 20 three-dimensional models (sets) of major electromechanical equipment such as surface plants, working face tunnels, electromechanical chambers, and 'excavator operation pathways.' This has enabled centralized monitoring and visual presentation of major hazards in the entire mine, including gas, water, fire, dust, and roof, moving from the previous scattered and single subsystem monitoring to a comprehensive integrated control platform. Currently, the platform has completed the standardized access of coal mine monitoring, personnel positioning, dispatch communication, and subsystems such as 'excavation, mining, machine, operation, communication.' It also shares data interactively with third-party systems such as intelligent ventilation systems, geological assurance systems, and mobile app terminal software.

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