
Career in Greece

Embracing Our Responsibility

The Thrace project in Greece boasts an impressive annual production of approximately 160 million kWh of green electricity. This substantial output is sufficient to satisfy the yearly electricity needs of 30,000 Greek households, equating to a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions by approximately 150,000 tons and a saving of 53,000 tons of standard coal. These remarkable achievements significantly contribute to the enhancement and optimization of Greece's energy structure.

Concurrently, China Energy remains steadfast in upholding its corporate mission of “empowering society and bolstering the economy. We proactively engage in corporate social responsibility, extending beyond providing clean energy to thousands of Greek households. Demonstrating our commitment to the community, we allocate 2% of our annual revenue in Greece to support the local government in municipal development initiatives. Additionally, we dedicate 1% of our income to subsidize the electricity consumption of local residents, further underlining our dedication to the well-being and prosperity of the communities we serve.

高安市| 淅川县| 长泰县| 遂溪县| 平阴县| 长丰县| 抚远县| 上思县| 珠海市| 法库县| 临西县| 开阳县| 财经| 杂多县| 若尔盖县| 华容县| 尚志市| 栾城县| 弋阳县| 哈尔滨市| 清原| 白玉县| 莱西市| 汕头市| 靖远县| 江北区| 福清市| 眉山市| 定襄县| 枞阳县| 乌苏市| 柳河县| 商丘市| 罗江县| 铜山县| 南漳县| 陆良县| 永年县| 南陵县| 通化县| 固安县|