
Career in Indonesia

Harmonious Coexistence and Mutual Prosperity

China Energy is deeply committed to enhancing the technical expertise and managerial skills of our Indonesian colleagues. We have established a dynamic platform to foster youth interaction and nurture innovative talent. By regularly orchestrating cultural, educational, and exchange activities, we aim to promote a seamless integration of Chinese and Indonesian cultures. Understanding the paramount importance of cultivating local expertise in Indonesia's power sector, China Energy has invested 1.45 million RMB to establish the country's first university simulator laboratory. In addition, we have set up a training center in China, further demonstrating our unwavering commitment to developing local talents and contributing to the growth and prosperity of Indonesia’s energy industry.

Power in Partnership

Mid-Autumn Festival

Future through the Youth on the Silk Road

抚远县| 晋城| 崇明县| 怀宁县| 宝丰县| 驻马店市| 遵义市| 洛宁县| 依安县| 德惠市| 深州市| 阿坝| 锦屏县| 旬邑县| 大埔县| 饶河县| 隆回县| 双辽市| 伊吾县| 孟州市| 安康市| 淮滨县| 淄博市| 尉犁县| 诸城市| 兴山县| 耿马| 海盐县| 德格县| 廊坊市| 鹤山市| 双桥区| 南宫市| 赣州市| 凯里市| 大竹县| 社会| 平潭县| 海丰县| 天等县| 富平县|